Crossword #5

© Paddy Grove 2002


1. This may signal the end of the PC (4,3,4,4)
8. Here French queen is less friendly (5)
9. Garment worn by Venetian traveller? (4,5)
11. He casually looks through employer (7)
12. Regular income from European guesthouse (7)
13. Take oneself off to mend (6)
14. Report from Detective Inspector's stamping ground (8)
17. Miners' union head is such a moron (8)
19. An eye for surfers? (6)
22. DC current (7)
24. Implement to make you finally silent when enraged (7)
25. Real excitement following Ecstacy / hemp blend is short-lived (9)
26. Vagabond taking public transport to capital of Peru (5)
27. This flight turns up (6,9)



1. Brash youngsters arrange hip newspaper's PR (15)
2. Piece of tack found in the ear (7)
3. Standard cart overturned with piece of wood (9)
4. One who gives out during test (6)
5. Greek character in US immigration centre is an indication that something's missing (8)
6. German to eat in this city (5)
7. Making a meal of being proved wrong (6,6,3)
10. Imbecile deemed incapable of thinking, initially (5)
15. Broadcaster's in place before TV hospital drama (9)
16. Mountain climbing aces? Protesters hold them high (8)
18. Lucifer's equal (5)
20. The root of Inca's savage heart (7)
21. Dog to be sick over heel of Italian boot (6)
23. Reptilian mother with a business degree (5)


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