Crossword #3

© Paddy Grove 2002


1. Denies responsibility, as may a shortsighted deerhunter? (6,3,4)
10. One might say Shackleton acted so sincerely (9)
11. Drive off retreating outcast (5)
12. One night for the French Canadian people (5)
13. A way quote is returned without interest (9)
14. Islander taking every other bit of scarcest yarn (6)
17. Monarch, one who regrets imprisoning loyal leader (5)
19. Stoop to hear Hamlet? (5)
20. Apply pressure to second lock (6)
23. Get fishing and start shaking percussion instruments (9)
24. Sinful tree-dweller (5)
25. Stone-hearted oil producer (5)
26. Rip root up excitedly to make air freshener (9)
27. Pushes platter around, as Judas may have done here (3,4,6)



2. Central courtyard is mostly a triumph (6)
3. It's delightful to urinate in the road! (5)
4. Quick-drying cement did this (3,4)
5. Rick is moved by this classic English painting (7)
6. Histograms showing pub rankings (3,6)
7. Telegrams from London, Paris and Rome are written in these (8)
8. Second record company director employed in the electronics industry (13)
9. Executive furniture? (8,5)
15. Telephone Lincoln 5050, as those half-remembered do (4,1,4)
16. Likely to make a brief point (3)
18. What an ambitious duck shooter does? (4,4)
20. European plains, mostly flat, despite what you may have heard (7)
21. Mad English sister relocates (7)
2. Run some training (6)
24. Exclusive small henhouse (5)


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